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What we do

Technical marketing, product engineering, and professional services to help you grow. Let us do all the heavy lifting so that your team can focus on achieving the end goal.

We specialize in Cloud Native technolgies, Space Tech, Kubernetes, Containers, AI/ML, DevOps, Security, Network, Storage, and Embedded technologies.

Technical Marketing & GTM

Go-To-Market and
Product Strategies

We can help you align your product and market planning to come up with the best Go-To-Market strategies and put your best foot forward.

Product Research
and benchmarking

Need product research? Benchmarking? Competitive technical and business analysis? We have you covered.

Technical Content
& Evangelism

We can help bridge the gap between business and marketing by helping you come up with easy-to-understand technical content and product evangelism.


Need help with product integration, demos or sales enablement? We have experts to support you.

Professorial service

Professional Services

We are the Kubernetes experts. From adoption and migration to management and development, we have full coverage.

Professional Services

Moving to the cloud or need help managing your cloud infrastructure? Any cloud, any tech stack, we.

& SRE Services

Let your team focus on developing the product while we worry about setting up or managing DevSecOps practices and infrastructure.


Not yet using containerization, microservices, cloud native, high availability, or scalability in your development flow? Let us help you transform.

Product Engineering and support


We offer mobile app and full-stack development for front-end and back-end across various technologies like Go, Python, Java, .NET, Node.js, JavaScript, React.js, Angular, MySQL, MongoDB, and Object Store.

SW and Embedded
product development

Our experts specialize in embedded firmware and software development across storage, networking, device drivers, etc.

Product support and
customer success

Our experts can quickly learn about your product to provide support and customer success services or even EOL services.

Quality assurance
and Automation

Our team of experts can help assure the quality of your product with manual or fully automated testing and DevOps flow.


## Reach out to us ##
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